【同义词辨析】 2019-08-05 阻止prevent-ward off

prevent: implies the existence of or the placing of an insurmountable obstacle: the blizzard ~ed us from going.  surmount克服解决;位于顶端means to deal successfully with a difficulty; or to be on the top of something,如severe technical problems to be surmounted严重的技术问题需要解决,如she was well aware of the difficulties that had to be surmounted她清楚必须克服哪些困难,如the island is surmounted by a huge black castle岛的最高处耸立着一座巨大的黑色城堡)

preclude: implies the existence of some factor that shuts out every possibility of a thing's happening or taking effect: an accident that ~ed a career in football.

obviate: suggests the use of forethought to avoid the necessity for unwelcome or disagreeable actions or measures: his resignation ~ed the task of firing him.

avert: implies the taking of immediate and effective measures to avoid, repel, or counteract threatening evil: deftly ~ed a hostile corporate takeover.   deftly轻巧娴熟

ward off: suggests a close encounter and the use of defensive measures: a hot drink to ~ a chill. 寒冷着凉to catch a chill==to catch a cold感冒着凉

prevent阻碍阻止: 表示设置难以克服的障碍,preclude阻碍阻绝: 表示完全阻绝,排除任何可能性,obviate避免: 表示预先考虑行动,从而避免了去做不希望做的事情的必要,avert避免阻抗: 指采取立即有效措施,将威胁伤害予以避免反击抵消,ward off抵御: 比喻短兵相接予以抵御

记忆方法: 1) 首字母PPOAW排列成POW战俘AP美联社<==被阻止采访战犯

         2) 阻止的意思是使某事停止mean to stop something from coming or occurring.首字母PPOAW排列成POW战俘AP美联社<==被阻止采访战犯